Stories Inside Out
September 2020. In partnership with Círculos Academy High School in Santa Ana, we piloted a high school arts residency, focused on personal voice in the midst of hardship and social unrest. All on Zoom!
Does your school receive Title I funds, with families who have food and housing insecurity? Do you work with Dreamers and undocumented families? Do you have a group of students experiencing grief and loss, are impacted by cancer or have family members with cancer? Contact Us. We can bring an arts residency to your school or district.

Narrative, Poetry, Art and Dance
I wonder if darkness could kill light
I pretend to be under the rain
I understand life is not perfect
I touch air, feeling my grandpa
I pretend (that I am playing soccer in a real soccer stadium)
I wonder what the world would look like if grass were not green
I hope in the future there will be great things coming my way
I say world peace can happen if we try hard enough
I dream to do something
even though you do not want to or you find it difficult
I wonder what I will be when I grow up
I touch the hand of my future self,
assuring me it’s gonna be okay
- Selected lines from "I Am" poems, written by 9th graders
after reading "Caged Bird" by Maya Angelou
and discussing the Black Lives Matter protests
Hand painting based on student’s “I Am” poem
Have you ever asked the question, “what’s that person’s story?” Whether it’s where they were born, their family background, the traditions and cultures that shape them, the challenges they experience in their lives, or their aspirations or dreams, every human being has a story.
In this unit, we explored what shapes our stories, and ventured into creativity by using our own stories to write a personal narrative, create art, and express ourselves through dance!
Understanding and appreciating our own personal experiences, cultural background, and identity is essential for analyzing literature (from author’s voice to characterization) and seeing value in ourselves. In Stories Inside Out, students created their own stories of self and community through poetry-writing and choreographing personal dance sequences,
to the Ash and Feather podcast theme song, “Something Inside.”
The Ash and Feather Podcast
Two Black American dads and teen daughter, Phoenix, take a journey through brain cancer. Poetry, songs, fables, and love help Phoenix develop her rich sense of self. She rises from the ashes of hardship, where cancer becomes only a minor character in her story.
For more on the podcast, visit our Ash and Feather page.
Get moving. Feel the glow. Dance like no one is watching. Check out our Ash+Feather Playlist!
Reading List
“Caged Bird” by Maya Angelou
It’s Trevor Noah: Born a Crime by Trevor Noah
HuffPo: This Artist is Humanizing the Homeless Through His Dynamic Portraits
The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros
Dear Woke Brown Girl by Prisca Dorcas Mojica Roriguez
“Afro-Latina,” a poem by Elizabeth Acevedo
“Us vs Them,” a poem by David Tomas Martinez
“I once Was a Child,” a poem by Victoria Chang
“Me Talk Pretty One Day” by David Sedaris
My Beloved World by Sonia Sotomayor
For Schools: Reading and Activities about Ash & Feather. Raising Our Voices through Creative Writing and the Arts, by Sharon Frances, PhD. To be published in the Social Justice Sewing Academy’s Curriculum Handbook.